Who We Are

ARX [ZeroPoint] Fund is a leading Private Equity and Venture Capital Fund registered in Luxembourg that invests in "investment grade" high rated instruments in arbitrage for enhancing capital and then acquiring investments stakes in highly innovative start-up companies (growth equity and venture assets) or in other more traditional sectors. 

The ARX [ZeroPoint] Fund may also issue and offer highly rated bonds (A+/AA/... ‘investment grade’) to institutional and private investors with the possibility to list them on European stock exchanges for resale and/or trading.

We are committed to offer good investment opportunities to private investors providing top-tier management solutions tailored to the investor financial needs. Located in the heart of Luxembourg, our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to driving any investment to success with precision and excellence exploring also innovative and customized strategies for partnering with disrupting start-up companies.


What We Do

Trading Division

The trading division of the Fund implements investment strategies focused on trading in highly rated instruments in arbitrage.

Our asset manager ensures that every aspect of investment is meticulously strategized and executed. 

The Fund shall negotiate on a case by case basis with each prospective investor the customization of his liquid investments assuring the higher guarantees and yields available on the market.

Bonds Division

The ARX [ZeroPoint] Fund issues Bonds fully backed by highly rated institutional bank instruments, suitable for purchase by institutions, pension funds and the like, as they are classified and rated as "investment grade" and yet offering high yields typical of ‘high yield’ Bonds.

The bonds are also suitable for private investors seeking a high yield at a fixed, short-term, low-risk rate. These bonds can also be listed on international stock exchanges (London, Luxembourg, Vienna, etc.) for resale or trading.

Project Division

We invest in early stage start-up companies that have innovation in their DNA in line with our investment policy for sector and project type.

The risk associated to the investment in start-up enterprises is completely unrelated to the other investment divisions that are and remain isolated and compartmentalized. Our tailored approaches are designed to innovate and optimize project development, making visionary ideas a reality.


Frequently asked questions

What industries and sectors do you specialize in?

We specialise in early-stage project financing in various sectors, including energy, healthcare, shipping, agriculture and real estate, providing tailor-made project management solutions.

How does ARX ZeroPoint Fund ensure investment success?

Our team uses a blend of proven methodologies and innovative strategies to ensure that investments have a very minimum risk with a proven high success. In particular, our investment strategy usually operates in arbitrage, effectively nullifying any risk.

What makes ARX ZeroPoint Fund different from other project management firms?

Our commitment to precision, excellence, and client-centric services sets us apart, ensuring transformative results.

Are you open to new request for project financing?

We are mainly focused on the growth, development and financing of selected early-stage projects in our own current portfolio, so we currently have very little room to accept new early-stage start-up projects for financing. However, private investors are invited to evaluate investment in Bond instruments issued by the Fund that are 100% guaranteed by bank instruments with an ‘A/A+/AA/’ (investment grade) rating (Bond Offering can be available on a customised or periodic basis).

What are the divisions of your Fund?

We have three investment divisions within our Fund:

  • Bond division
  • Capital division
  • Project division

Bond division is restricted to the issuance of Bonds by the Fund (sold at discount converted to a very high fixed interest) at an "investment grade" rating. Participation in this divison is open to investors.

Capital division is for liquid capital investment for investors with a higher attitude to investments but still with high protection. Participation in this divison is open to investors.

Project division is reserved instead for investment in selected innovative projects partecipated by the Fund. Participation in this divison is not open at the present to investors.



The ARX [ZeroPoint] Fund investment services are available for professional and institutional investors only. 

      Fund Data

Fund Manager: ARX Strategic Systems Sarl
Fund name: ARX ZeroPoint Fund SLP
Fund License: Alternative Investment Fund under the AIFM directive
Fund Manager Location: 2C Parc d’activité, L-8308 Capellen - Luxembourg
Fund Domicile: Luxembourg
Type of Fund: Private Equity, Venture Capital, Arbitrage Opportunities